Wednesday, November 28, 2007

EMotiOns.... REacTioNs.... !!!!

Quotable quotes at the November 28, 2007 dialogue among the following stakeholders:

a. Homeowners

b. Government Agencies
c. Developers

"There have been violations committed by both developers! There was no ECC. One went around the law by applying for access road only so that ECC will not be required. What was constructed was a six meter wide cemented road. Another developer did promotion and marketing of a high-end subdivision without the permit to construct a subdivision. Why are these not addressed before any other requirements are accepted by the CPDO?"

"You keep on repeating this. We cannot move on....."

"Before we started this venture, we asked the advice of concerned government offices. We do not want to hurt or cause any harm to anybody. The DMC UPDI is a business. It does not want to lose in this venture! Both your group and the developer have only everybody's welfare in mind! We even commissioned a geologist to make a study."

".........when it rained hard, my house in Trinidad Greenhills was flooded with mud and water. My office at St. Michael's Phase 2, which is already far, was also flooded with mud and water. My materials for my consultancy were destroyed! Those! money can't buy. If this is what happens with only the cemented road leading up the hill constructed, what greater damage can befall us when the subdivision is already in place?"

"Let the developers continue. We will show you that we will have the safest subdivision in town."

"You refer to a second study. The first study by MGB said the hill is stable until touched. So, any development activities will make it unstable. The second study, which you commissioned, said it is stable. Is it not that international standards are one and the same? This makes me angry!"

"Please let us be objective. Emotions are running high. We have already started addressing the flood problem. As you can see, construction of a drainage canal has been started..... The DPWH will not give any permit if the drainage plan is not sound. Trust us!"

"......... Why do you question the credibility of the study and of the engineers who did the studies? Are you an engineer?"

"Trust and credibility are earned, not imposed. The Developers have not been transparent with us when in fact, this was the agreement in the dialogue convened by Councilor Avila last July. How then can you ask trust from us?"

"Thank you! But what you have done there on the hill, so far, says you don't care! You hold us residents hostage of the crime you committed!"

"It breaks my heart that the government agencies are speaking in behalf of the developers. You are supposed to side with us because it is your duty to protect the general public."

"We are in the barangay hall, the seat of government so let us follow the law. Lies do not have any place here. The violations committed must be addressed and given the effect of law by the government offices concerned. "

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