Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Leave Ma-a Hills Alone!

I commend the groups and individuals acting on this issue. Seeing the bald portions of the Ma-a hills breaks my heart and makes me really angry at the housing 'developers' destroying the mountain.

Why can't they leave the hills alone and build their luxury houses somewhere else?

Please post support actions individuals like me can make to support this cause, our common cause. I am busy with other campaigns (against greedy agribusiness plantations) but I might still be able to help in some other small way. So please post possible actions. - Lia Esquillo


MariaLinda said...

Hi Lia, Thank you for the suggestion. We will start posting action ideas soon.

Anonymous said...

Again I commend your efforts, both online and "offline", towards bringing this environmental issue to the fore.

I must warn you, however, that blogging does not give you absolute freedom to express whatever you want. In case you're not yet aware, there have been cases where a blogger was brought to court for libel. As much as I encourge you to forge on, I'd also like to caution you against negative action by your opposite numbers.

(Your blog posts' excerpts, by the way, are now appearing on the Davao Blogspace.)

MariaLinda said...

Thank you for the reminder Blogie. We will take pains at responsible blogging, more so now that we appear in other platforms like yours.